Personal Injury Lawyers
Lexington, South Carolina
(803) 667-4810

Lexington, South Carolina Whiplash Accident Lawyers

Car accident attorneys serious about winning your case

Whiplash may be one of the most misunderstood car accident injuries. Some people don’t even believe that whiplash exists. We know the truth. We know that many people in pain and suffering after a serious car accident have whiplash. That’s why our Lexington, S.C. whiplash injury lawyers want to meet with you.

You’ll notice the difference the first time you meet with an attorney at Johnson + Johnson Attorneys at Law. We’ll take the time to get to know you. We’ll listen. That way, we can explain all the legal options available to you as someone suffering from whiplash due to a car accident caused by another driver.

Our whiplash lawyers have years of experience handling such complex legal cases in South Carolina. That’s why we have such a strong track record of success. When you have our legal team on your side, you can demand the money you deserve for your whiplash settlement or injury claim. Your best interests come first here.

What is whiplash?

Whiplash is one of the most common neck injuries sustained by people in car accidents. Sometimes referred to as a neck sprain or neck strain, whiplash is a neck injury often caused by the neck being violently thrown forward and backward. Symptoms of whiplash often include:

  • Neck pain
  • Headaches
  • Difficulty turning neck

Whiplash can also go hand-in-hand with brain injuries, nerve damage, and serious neck or back injuries. This is why it’s important for anyone who suspects that they sustained whiplash in a car accident to pay close attention to the warning signs and symptoms often associated with whiplash.

What are common causes of whiplash injury accidents?

While many different types of car accidents can result in whiplash, rear-end accidents are most often associated with this neck injury. But whiplash from being rear-ended isn’t the only way that such car accident injuries happen. Other common causes of whiplash injuries include:

The neck’s flexibility and wide range of motion make it vulnerable to injuries like whiplash. Whatever type of car crash you’re dealing with, we’re here to help you every step of the way.

How do I know if I have whiplash?

Any of the following symptoms can be an indication of whiplash:

  • Stiffness in the neck
  • Swelling
  • Limited mobility
  • Weakness of the neck
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Fatigue
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Lower back pain

Sometimes you can have no symptoms immediately after a car accident, but still suffer from whiplash. Delayed pain and delayed symptoms are common. You may start to feel symptoms hours or days after your accident.

Symptoms like these should raise concern, but many people tend to ignore them, hoping they will go away on their own. But whiplash can have serious long-term effects. When not treated timely and properly, whiplash can worsen and the person suffering the injury will have a longer recovery ahead of them. Moreover, whiplash is also associated with other injuries such as concussions. Some long-term effects and complications of whiplash and related injuries include:

  • Neck pain that won’t go away
  • Pain that spreads to your arms
  • Problems with memory
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Permanent damage to your neck

Even if you think your injury is minor, you won’t know for sure until you seek medical treatment. Your doctor will gently move your head and neck around to test your mobility and whether you experience pain with that type of movement. They will also look out for muscle spasms. If they believe your whiplash is severe, they may have to do more in depth testing, like X-rays and MRIs. Don’t take any chances and schedule an appointment with your primary care provider or visit a walk-in clinic.

How long does whiplash last?

Every whiplash injury is different. Sometimes, the pain associated with whiplash can last a few days or weeks. Other times, whiplash can last months or even longer. Some whiplash injury victims suffer from chronic pain for years after a serious car accident.

You know your body best. If something doesn’t feel right, pay attention. See a doctor or schedule a follow-up doctor’s appointment if you experience chronic neck pain, back pain or other whiplash symptoms.

And don’t feel pressured to return to work or do other things you normally did before your car accident. If you have whiplash or any another serious injury, follow your doctor’s advice and talk to a whiplash lawyer at our South Carolina law firm. We can help.

How is whiplash treated?

Whiplash treatment depends on the severity of the injury as well as your age and medical history. A minor whiplash injury may heal with time and rest, but more significant injuries may require medications such as anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants, as well as treatment such as physical therapy, range of motion exercises, and even a cervical collar.

While whiplash usually clears up within a few days or weeks, some victims develop lingering symptoms. You may feel better, but the pain can come back. For that reason, it is always in your best interest to see a doctor after your car accident. Getting medical care also creates documentation of your injury to support your claim for compensation.

What is the average settlement for whiplash?

There is no single average settlement for a car accident that causes whiplash. The value of your case depends on numerous factors, including the extent of your injuries, the effects those injuries have had on your life, and the amount of available insurance coverage. The only way to know what your case may be worth is to talk to an attorney as soon as possible.

Why are whiplash accidents so complicated?

Whiplash accidents are often very complicated for many different reasons, including:

  • Some people think whiplash doesn’t exist.
  • The driver who caused your crash may deny doing anything wrong.
  • The other driver might try to blame you for causing collision.
  • The other driver’s insurance company may deny your claim.

You know what happened. You know the other driver caused your accident. You might know you have whiplash, and you deserve to be compensated if you do. That’s our job and we take great pride in handling complex legal cases, so you can count on us.

A new class of whiplash injury attorney you can count on

The financial toll of a whiplash injury can add up fast. Between medical bills and lost income if you need to take time to recover, your accident-related expenses can quickly add up to thousands of dollars. If you don’t take legal action right away, that money may have to come out of your own pocket.

That’s not right. You didn’t do anything wrong. Get the respect you deserve. Get Johnson + Johnson for justice. We know how to deal with insurance companies. If they refuse to negotiate, we will not hesitate to take them to court.

Learn how a whiplash lawyer at our South Carolina law firm can help you. Contact us and schedule your free case evaluation with a Lexington whiplash injury lawyer who will fight for your rights and demand the money you deserve.

Johnson + Johnson – a new class of attorney serious about winning.

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