Personal Injury Lawyers
Lexington, South Carolina
(803) 667-4810

FAQ About Motorcycle Accidents

Get answers to your questions from Lexington, SC personal injury attorneys

Have a question about your South Carolina motorcycle accident? Not sure where to look to find the answers to your legal questions? You have come to the right place. That’s because our experienced Lexington, SC motorcycle accident lawyers know the law and understand how the legal system works in South Carolina. That’s why we want to meet with you.

At Johnson + Johnson Attorneys at Law, we take your questions seriously. That’s because we understand the gravity of your situation. In many cases, motorcycle accidents turn out to be very complex legal cases. Your medical bills can add up fast. You might not be able to work for weeks or even months. That’s why we want to help. You can count on us when it matters the most.

Get serious about your motorcycle accident. Get Johnson + Johnson for justice.

Make sure your motorcycle accident gets the attention you deserve. Contact our law firm and schedule your free case evaluation. One of our Lexington motorcycle accident attorneys can answer your question and help you every step of the way. Our attorneys – brothers Kevin and Steven Johnson – were born and raised in Lexington. As a result, we know the area and know what to do to help you get your life back on track.

What is your motorcycle accident question?

Below, you’ll the find general information regarding some of the most frequently asked questions about motorcycle accidents. Please be aware that the following responses are merely general guidelines for what to do and should not be taken as legal advice. Each motorcycle has its own unique circumstances. That’s why it’s important to talk with a lawyer right away about your specific case. Contact us online or call (803) 667-4810.

Should I call the police after my motorcycle accident?

Yes. Call the police and tell them you have been in a motorcycle accident. Ask them to respond to your accident, as well. Many motorcycle accidents result in serious injuries. Having an official South Carolina accident report can be a very important piece of evidence. That’s because some insurance companies can be difficult when it comes to compensating motorcyclists injured in accidents. Why? Because some insurance companies automatically blame motorcyclists for causing collisions. We know the truth. We know other drivers are often at fault, and we want to help you set the record straight.

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Should I seek medical attention after my motorcycle crash?

Yes. Motorcycle accidents often result in serious injuries. Even if you don’t think you’re hurt, you could be and not even realize it. You may have a life-threatening internal injury. Make sure you have a doctor examine you right away – for your own well-being and to officially document your injuries.

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Should I contact my insurance company after my motorcycle accident?

Yes. Call your insurance company and tell them you have been in a motorcycle accident caused by another driver. Do not say anything else. Even though your insurance company should be on your side, they could end up being difficult later. Anything you say to them could potentially be used against you to reduce or deny your accident claim.

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Should I talk to the other driver’s insurance company after my motorcycle accident?

No. Do not talk to the other driver’s insurance company. They will likely contact you after your crash. Their questions might seem innocent, but the reality is they’re likely only looking for information they can use to reduce or deny your motorcycle accident claim.

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Should I accept a settlement offer from the other driver’s insurance company?

It’s tempting to accept a cash settlement offer soon after your motorcycle accident. Medical bills and other accident-related expenses can add up fast. Many insurance companies know this. That’s why they often make a lowball settlement offer soon after an accident. They’re hoping you’ll take the money before you know the full extent of your accident-related expenses. We can review any settlement offer you receive and advise you on whether you should accept the offer. Unlike many insurance companies, we put your best interests first.

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How much is my motorcycle accident worth?

Every motorcycle accident is different. Some may be worth a few thousand dollars. Others may be worth millions. It all depends on the facts of each case. The difference often comes down to many different factors and how much the accident-related expenses add up to for each accident. That’s why we want to meet with you. We can review the details of your accident and provide you with an estimate for how much your accident is worth.

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What can I be compensated for after my motorcycle accident?

All your accident-related expenses can and should be compensated for after your accident, not just the expenses you already have for your accident. Your compensation should include all future accident-related expenses, including:

  • Emergency medical care
  • Surgical procedures
  • Follow-up medical care
  • Physical therapy
  • Lost income
  • Lost future income, if you cannot return to work
  • Modifications to your home, if you have a permanent disability
  • Pain and suffering, in certain circumstances

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Can I ask for more money for my motorcycle accident in the future?

You might think you can go back and ask for more money if your motorcycle accident-related expenses turn out to be much more than you expect in the future. The reality is, once you agree to accept a settlement offer, that’s often the only money you will receive during your lifetime. Insurance companies know this. That’s why they often want to settle cases right away – before you know the true extent of your accident-related expenses. Don’t let them push you around. Take your time when deciding how much your accident is truly worth. We can help.

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What should I do if the other driver’s insurance company denies my motorcycle accident claim?

We know how frustrating this can feel. We have worked with many people injured in accidents caused by another driver, only to have their insurance claim denied. That’s why we take these cases so seriously at our law firm. We believe injured motorcyclists should be fairly compensated for their accident. As your attorney, we will do everything we can to demand the money you deserve for medical bills, lost income and other accident-related expenses.

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Can I file a motorcycle accident lawsuit against an at-fault driver?

Yes. Filing a lawsuit against an at-fault driver, who is often defended by their insurance company, is one of the options you have after your motorcycle accident. Filing a motorcycle accident lawsuit may be the best way to get the money you need for your accident-related expenses. That’s why we want to meet with you and explain the different options available to you. Your best interests matter to us. We’re on your side.

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How much time do I have to file a lawsuit in South Carolina after my motorcycle accident?

In South Carolina, you typically have three years or less from the date of your motorcycle accident to take legal action, in many cases. This deadline is known as the statute of limitations. Three years might seem like a long time, but the longer you wait to take legal action, the harder it can often be to obtain the financial compensation you deserve. That’s because the evidence you need to build a strong legal case often disappears over time. We know how to find the facts and can get straight to work on your legal case.

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Why should I hire a motorcycle accident attorney in South Carolina?

There are so many reasons why you should hire a lawyer after your motorcycle accident, including:

  • We can make sure your official accident report is accurate.
  • We can help fill out any forms related to your motorcycle accident.
  • We can independently investigate your motorcycle accident.
  • We can deal directly with insurance companies on your behalf.
  • We can often negotiate a settlement offer for your accident-related expenses.
  • We can file a motorcycle accident lawsuit on your behalf, if necessary.
  • We can represent you in all court proceedings related to your case.
  • We can be your voice for justice.

Give your motorcycle accident the attention it deserves. Get Johnson + Johnson. We’re serious about winning your case.

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