Personal Injury Lawyers
Lexington, South Carolina
(803) 667-4810

What are common injuries sustained in rear-end car accidents?

Lexington Car Accident Lawyer

Rear-end collisions aren't often seen as serious crashes. That's because the most common injury sustained in rear-end collisions is whiplash. This occurs when the head jerks forward and backward in a whip-like motion, which damages the soft tissue in the neck.

Whiplash is often considered a minor injury because it doesn't usually produce immediate symptoms. Since there is no obvious and visual damage, whiplash isn't processed as an injury until days later when a crash victim begins to experience neck pain, loss of mobility, and other whiplash-related symptoms.

Rear-end collisions often result in serious injuries

Make no mistake about it, whiplash and other injuries sustained in rear-end collisions are not always mild. For example, a herniated disc or other back injury may not produce any immediate pain, but you may feel it days later.

Concussions and mild traumatic brain injuries are also common in rear-end collisions. They often occur when a person's head hits the headrest after a car is struck at high impact. Like whiplash, a concussion or mild traumatic brain injury may not produce symptoms immediately after a crash. It could take several hours or days to experience headaches, confusion, loss of memory, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and fatigue. This is in no way a mild injury and can take several months to recover from, even with the proper care.

At high impact, it's possible that a rear-end collision can result in broken bones. When wearing a seatbelt, the most vulnerable areas are the ribs and collarbone, for example.

How can I afford to get medical care after a rear-end collision?

Rear-end collisions are usually caused by driver negligence. If you were involved in a rear-end collision, the driver who hit you may have been distracted, speeding, driving drowsy or impaired by drugs or alcohol. Your crash may leave you with current and future medical expenses. What's worse, you may need to take time off from work while you recover.

Fortunately, you are entitled to compensation for these damages, as well as non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering. Damages can be recovered from the at-fault driver's insurance company through a car accident claim. It's best to consult with an experienced Lexington car accident attorney to learn about the legal rights available to you and how to get started on your claim.

How can a car accident attorney help me get compensated?

It's important that you never attempt to handle a car accident claim on your own. The insurance company who represents the at-fault driver may try to deny your claim. They may try to talk you into accepting a lowball settlement. That's why you need a legal advocate on your side who knows how to deal with the insurance companies and ensure that you are treated fairly.

You deserve to compensated for every penny owed to you. The legal team at Johnson + Johnson Attorneys at Law will fight to make that happen. To schedule your free case evaluation, simply fill out our online contact form.

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