Personal Injury Lawyers
Lexington, South Carolina
(803) 667-4810

How Much Is My South Carolina Rear-End Accident Worth?

Car accident debris on highway

South Carolina rear-end accident attorneys explain how compensation works

Expenses can add up fast after a rear-end accident in South Carolina. From medical care to vehicle repairs, you might suddenly have a lot of bills due to your rear-end crash. So how much money can you receive for your accident? How much is your injury claim worth?

These might seem like simple questions. But the answers can often be much more complicated than you might expect. That’s why it’s critical that you understand how the compensation system works when it comes to rear-end accident claims or lawsuits. Otherwise, you could end up having to pay for your accident out of your own pocket.

South Carolina’s at-fault car insurance system

In order to understand how much money your rear-end claim or lawsuit might be worth, it’s important to understand how South Carolina’s car accident compensation system works. The state has what’s known as an at-fault insurance system. That means the at-fault party is responsible for compensating injury victims for all their accident-related expenses.

In most cases, in a rear-end accident case, that means the driver of the rear vehicle - and by extension, their insurance company. They are the ones responsible for paying injury victims and making sure all their expenses are covered in a timely manner.

Who decides how much my rear-end accident is worth?

It all depends on how significant your injuries are and how they've affected your life. Unfortunately, the at-fault driver’s insurance company will often do everything it can to pay injury victims as little as possible or nothing at all. Why? Because for insurance companies, watching their bottom line and keeping expenses low is more important than making sure injury victims receive the money they deserve.

Can I ask for more money?

Yes. If you believe your settlement offer is too low, you can and should ask for more money. Don’t be surprised if the at-fault party’s insurance company makes a lowball settlement offer for your rear-end accident claim.

Many times, insurance companies don’t make fair settlement offers when it comes to rear-end accidents. That’s because some insurance companies don’t believe that such accidents are serious. You know the truth. And you deserve to be financially compensated for all your injury-related expenses.

Should I file a rear-end accident lawsuit?

Sometimes, the best way to get all the money you deserve for your rear-end accident is to file a lawsuit seeking damages, the legal term for financial compensation. This is a very important and difficult decision. That’s why it’s important that you fully understand all the legal options available to you. An experienced attorney can review any settlement offers you might receive and advise on whether to file a lawsuit or take other legal action.

Learn how a South Carolina rear-end accident lawyer can help you

The stakes are high when it comes to many rear-end accidents. You also often only have one opportunity to obtain all the money. That’s why it’s critical that you have an experienced attorney handling your injury claim or lawsuit.

The experienced South Carolina car accident attorneys at Johnson + Johnson, Attorneys At Law can help you every step of the way. We know how the legal system works and can demand maximum financial compensation on your behalf.

Learn more about your legal rights. Contact us and schedule a free consultation with a Lexington car accident lawyer you can trust. We work on a contingency fee basis. That means you only have to pay if we get you a financial settlement or verdict. It’s that simple.


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